Bitcoin Vending Machines: The Next Bitcoin Machine You’ll See Everywhere

Bitcoin ATMs are a revolutionary technology, and Bitcoin vending machines may just be one more way cryptocurrencies slip into mainstream society. As blockchain technology becomes more understood, industries are racing to find practical applications in their given fields. Bitcoin vending machines allow for a variety of industries to test out whether the public will engage with machines that offer cryptocurrency as a payment method.

At Pelicoin, we’re excited about Bitcoin vending machines and the implications of their introduction into the mainstream. For Bitcoin to grow, people need to not only understand it—they have to use it, too!

Bitcoin Vending Machine

A Bitcoin Vending Machine for Beer?

One of the most widely-known cases of a proposed cryptocurrency vending machine was done by a San Francisco-based company called Civic. Civic partnered with Anheuser-Busch to create a beer vending machine that accepts Bitcoin. The company claimed that it had no intentions of getting into the beer-vending business full-time. Instead, they focused on harnessing the power of blockchain-based identity verification.  

As you may know, the blockchain is a decentralized public ledger that is the backbone of all cryptocurrencies. Though most associate the blockchain with verifying transactions between currencies, it is possible to digitize and insert any document into the blockchain. Civic used the blockchain to verify the age of customers who were interested in buying a beer.  

What This Bitcoin Vending Machine Means For Blockchain Technology

Although the end product wouldn’t be what it sounds like per se—a beer machine that accepts Bitcoin and dispenses beer in exchange—the implications of this project are still exciting. Blockchain offers many real-world applications that greatly improve the way things are done in a large variety of industries.  

In fact, several large corporations and organizations have implemented blockchain into several different aspects of their operations. Companies like FedEx, KIK, IBM, Walmart, Microsoft, and more have been using blockchain technology for a variety of reasons. For example, FedEx uses blockchain to track packages in their supply chain. This helps them to ensure quality control, improve their logistics, and address problems in the chain sooner.  

Blockchain also offers applications in the way of cybersecurity. Since the blockchain is a digital ledger that’s spread across a secure network of computers, or nodes, several copies of a single piece of data exist all at once. That makes a single piece of information difficult to alter because the system cross-checks each copy instantly. Any tampering is instantly flagged and can be dealt with accordingly. On top of that, the information is more difficult to access anyways.  

Widespread Adoption of Cryptocurrency

The ultimate goal of many in the crypto community is to spread the use of cryptocurrency by integrating it within different systems and industries. Bitcoin vending machines create a perfect outlet for businesses to test out the validity of cryptocurrency in the marketplace. Today, as cryptocurrency ATMs in the Gulf South and beyond become more popular, more people will have easy access to at least Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. Even a few years ago, there were different types of vending machines that accepted Bitcoin. Now, the number of machines continues to grow and crypto enthusiasts see more avenues to spend their money.  

You may also be aware that cryptocurrency is widely regarded as a worthwhile investment. Since Facebook announced its latest innovation, the Libra, public interest in cryptocurrency has once again been sparked. More people are monitoring the cryptocurrency market than ever before, and as more and more people do this, cryptocurrency is further legitimized. So, whether or not Facebook’s Libra is a good idea, other companies will no-doubt follow suit and begin thinking about cryptocurrency in new and innovative ways, causing cryptocurrency to increase in applications and value.  

Benefits of Bitcoin Vending Machines

Just like any currency, widespread adoption of crypto is vital for growth. One of the main obstacles that people run into when deciding to purchase or invest in cryptocurrencies is that they don’t see any practical use. With the advent of Bitcoin vending machines, not only will people see an immediate practical use, but the product will be immediately available as well. Crypto vending machines help push Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies further into mainstream society.  

Even though Bitcoin vending machines aren’t as common yet as they will be in the future, there are already several small businesses that have begun accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies across the world. Austin, Texas is the perfect city to zero in on when discussing this topic. As one of the most tech-forward cities in the South, you can find and handful of shops, services, and other companies that accept Bitcoin as payment in Austin.  

Concepts like the Bitcoin vending machine are the first steps in an exciting new direction for cryptocurrency. Since our goal at Pelicoin is to help people discover the wonders of cryptocurrency, we couldn’t be more excited for the innovations that will follow these ideas.  

Find Local Bitcoins

If you’re interested in using a crypto vending machine any time soon, you need to start by purchasing Bitcoins.  

Whether you want to purchase Bitcoin to spend or hold as an investment, you can easily make your purchase from a Pelicoin crypto ATM. Pelicoin has crypto ATMs across the Gulf South region where users can buy Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum with ease. Pelicoin offers a safe, secure, and anonymous way for anyone to buy crypto. Search for a crypto ATM location near you.  

If you’d like to learn more about cryptocurrency or Bitcoin ATMs, check out our blog to stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the world of cryptocurrency. Additionally, visit our FAQ if you have any questions regarding our services, and call us at 855-PELICOIN if you don’t find the question you have on that list.