How Memphis Bitcoin ATMs Helped Transform the City

How Memphis Bitcoin ATMs Helped Transform the City.jpg

In Memphis, Tennessee, Bitcoin ATMs have surged onto the financial scene in the last few years. With the emergence of Bitcoin ATMs, users are able to access and send cryptocurrency in a much easier fashion. Cryptocurrency has dramatically impacted how the city of Memphis, and the rest of the world, view money and transactions. Bitcoin started as just a theory, but it has now turned into a multi-billion dollar industry that has attracted venture capitalists all over the world. With cities like Hong Kong, New York City, San Francisco, and Amsterdam gladly welcoming the emergence of Bitcoin ATMs everywhere, Memphis and other smaller markets are beginning to follow suit and have turned into growing cryptocurrency hotbeds where investors can make a lot of money.

Cryptocurrency Companies Are Growing in Memphis

As more and more Bitcoin ATMs are being installed throughout Memphis, the city is beginning to welcome in more cryptocurrency companies. Cryptocurrency companies like to establish their businesses in major metropolitan areas where Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are thriving. These companies are international ventures and need to be in cities with a diverse culture. However, now that Memphis Bitcoin ATMs are more mainstream, the city it is becoming an innovative small market that is attractive to crypto enterprises. Instead of looking at New York City or San Francisco, more cryptocurrency companies are looking to put roots in different cities such as Memphis. Cryptocurrency companies that are calling Memphis, and the surrounding areas of Tennessee, their home include:

  • Pelicoin

  • Peer Ledger

  • Bitmain

Peer Ledger

Peer Ledger plans to locate its U.S. headquarters near the University of Memphis, which is a huge transformation for the city itself. The company applies blockchain technology for the healthcare, agriculture, and automotive industries. Their goal is to use cutting edge blockchain technology to help companies protect human rights, improve environmental performance, and reduce risks such as safety and counterfeiting in their supply chains.


As Memphis has begun to transform under its growing acceptance of Bitcoin, other surrounding areas of Tennessee are following suit and cryptocurrency companies are looking at the state as a more desirable place to do business. Bitmain is one of the biggest companies in the cryptocurrency industry. It has an unmatched influence over the Chinese market. Now with Memphis helping Tennessee take off in the cryptocurrency world, Bitmain is expanding its locations into the state.

Memphis may be a smaller cryptocurrency market, but it recognizes the growing opportunities that cryptocurrencies offer and now has 17 different ATMs in the city. Installing Bitcoin ATMs in Memphis is about more than the digital market. With the emergence of these ATMs, Memphis has transformed into a city that represents a revolutionary method of digital transactions and is attracting more cryptocurrency companies into its city and the rest of Tennessee.

Memphis Bitcoin Meetups and Events Take Over the City

Bitcoin ATMs in Memphis have now brought the city to the number two spot on the list of U.S. cities with the highest cryptocurrency holdings per person. But it’s not just Bitcoin that can be purchased through Memphis cryptocurrency ATMs. Other forms of cryptocurrency include Ethereum and Litecoin.

Memphis Bitcoin ATMs continue to transform the city as more people become interested in grasping the applications of cryptocurrency. Meetup groups, such as Blockchain901, are a friendly way to get together with Memphis locals and discuss the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other crypto technologies and how they can be applied in the city.

Now that Memphis is high on the list of cryptocurrency friendly cities, there is even a chance for the city’s youth to get involved. With the growing expansion of cryptocurrency ATMs, more educational systems are opening programs that help youth become more involved in Memphis’ growing tech industry. Code Crew is a nonprofit technology education school that teaches youth how to become tech innovators. They offer special events, summer programs, after-school classes, and internships that are reaching the blockchain technology subject. As Memphis continues to evolve into a city where buying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are readily available, more programs for youth will begin to emerge helping them better understand the technology of the future.

Find a Memphis Bitcoin ATM Near You

Ever since Bitcoin ATMs became available in Memphis, the city has seen a major transformation into a blossoming cryptocurrency city. More companies, events, classes, and now even schools for youth have become available to help the city grow and improve with the latest technologies that can advance the city’s future. If you want to begin investing in your own Bitcoin, Pelicoin has several ATM locations throughout Memphis that are easy to use and accessible anytime. Start buying Bitcoin today and see why Memphis is quickly transforming into one of the top cryptocurrency cities in the U.S.