What’s the Next Crypto to Blow Up?

Cryptocurrency is a market that’s always in the midst of rapid changes. It’s a new, innovative way to invest, and as such, new forms of crypto pop up every day, seeking investors. If you’re searching for ways to diversify your investments and receive significant returns, you might be asking, “What’s the next crypto to blow up?” Pelicoin is here to explain what has contributed to other companies’ successes and what signs to look for when creating new investments.

Current Leaders in the Crypto Landscape

When it comes to the present cryptocurrency market, there are two companies at the forefront of the industry: Bitcoin and Ethereum. But what is it that has made these businesses so successful? Read on to learn more.


As of July 2024, Bitcoin’s market cap is $1.3 trillion, and it features a year-over-year return rate of 126%. In fact, more than 50% of all money invested in the crypto industry is invested in Bitcoin. With these kinds of statistics, it’s no wonder that Bitcoin has risen to fame, even among those who don’t invest in cryptocurrency.

But what caused Bitcoin to become a household name? In many ways, it owes its popularity due to the fact it made cryptocurrency a reality. Before Bitcoin, the idea of investing in electronic currency was only theoretical; Bitcoin was responsible for launching the market, and, as such became famous for making the industry what it is today.


The second most successful cryptocurrency company is Ethereum. Its market cap comes in at $402.5 billion, and its year-over-year returns are 79%.

Ethereum differs from Bitcoin in a few key ways. Where the latter uses blockchain mining to complete investors’ transactions, the former uses staking, which rewards investors in a manner similar to receiving interest at a bank. Because of this, Ethereum may require less energy consumption, making it more environmentally friendly than Bitcoin. Indeed, Bitcoin’s high energy consumption and release of greenhouse gasses has been a matter of controversy, and Ethereum’s more environmental approach may have drawn in environmentally-conscious investors.

What’s the Next Crypto to Blow Up: Signs to Look For

Now that we have established some of the reasons that Bitcoin and Ethereum have found success let’s consider several signs that smaller, up-and-coming crypto companies are bound for success. Here are some ways to tell if a new coin could be a worthwhile investment.

Technological Innovation

If a brand offers an alternative way to invest in crypto (similarly to how Ethereum approached its market), that’s a good sign that it will make an impact on crypto at large. Some unique features could include:


One factor that holds many new cryptos back is that they aren’t designed with scalability in mind. Look for a company that will be able to accommodate a high volume of transactions should it grow in popularity. If it’s only designed with a small number of investors in mind, then it will take a long time to process transactions, limiting the company’s growth by deterring potential investors.

Community Interest

As you consider your next investment, keep up to date with crypto news and forums. Monitor whether any new coins are picking up traction and positive feedback from other crypto enthusiasts. If a certain company keeps coming to the forefront of conversations, this is a good sign that popularity is increasing. Invest early so that you can maximize your profits as interests continue to build.

Cryptocurrencies to Watch

With these factors in mind, it’s time to consider, “What’s the next crypto to blow up?” There are several cryptos with great potential, and this could be the year that they rise to the forefront of trading.

Mega Dice Token (DICE)

Mega Dice Token takes an alternative approach to investing in crypto: it’s attached to the crypto casino Mega Dice so that it can be used as a form of gaming currency. As such, DICE has cornered a niche gaming market, allowing it to attract a one-of-a-kind following.

Some of its other advantages are as follows:

  • Mega Dice Casino has tens of thousands of players, indicating there is an audience for DICE tokens. High consumer interest will allow the coin to rise in value.

  • The tokens surpassed $1 million in pre-sale, further indicating their ability to grow in popularity.

  • DICE offers tradeability, making it easy to convert Mega Dice tokens into other forms of crypto.

Fetch.ai (FET)

Fetch.ai is revolutionary in the crypto sphere due to the way it combines cryptocurrency with AI technology. It has been around since 2017, and it makes use of a network of AI Agents, which can be integrated into products that service a wide variety of industries. The agents have been applied in sectors such as healthcare and travel.

Here are some other features that make FET a stand-out:

  • Fetch.ai can be integrated with other platforms, including Discord, Slack, OpenAI, WhatsApp, and more, making it more accessible to general audiences.

  • FET can be accessed through Ethereum, allowing it to rise in prominence with avid crypto enthusiasts.

Count on Pelicoin for the Latest Crypto News

At Pelicoin, we strive to keep you in the loop on all the latest in crypto innovation. From letting you know what’s the next crypto to blow up to keep you informed of when to invest, our experts have you covered.

For a more secure way to trade, make use of Pelicoin’s Bitcoin ATMs. Contrary to their names, our ATMs service several different cryptocurrencies, including Litecoin and Ethereum. We believe that it should be as easy as possible to diversify your investments and complete crypto transactions on the go, and that’s why our dozens of ATMs feature intuitive designs and concise instructions. We place our kiosks at establishments that stay open late for even more flexibility. Pelicoin ensures that you always have access to a secure way to invest.

To learn more about us and industry news, stay updated with our blog. If you have additional questions for our team, give us a call at 855-PELICOIN or email us at support@pelicoin.com.